Cutters For Sale

We buy used cutters from our customers for resale. After a thorough reconditioning we give you an unconditional guarantee for service as good as a new one. Some cutters may not always be in stock. Please call for availability.

Rayco Super Tooth: $11.49

Rayco Monster Tooth: $29.95

Green 1100: $8.99

Green 900: $7.49

Vermeer Yellow Jacket: $8.99

Vermeer Pro Tooth: $5.49

Sandvik, Carlton, New River: $7.49

SDM: $4.49

Sell Your Cutters

Rayco Super Tooth Up To $2.00 Each

All Other Cutters We Pay $1.50 Each

We will also take your cutters in trade as payment for cutters returned to you.

FREE Estimate Call 888.999.1778 or Contact Us!

Free Estimate

20 years satisfying our customers with quality & service. | Veteran owned and operated.

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